The Career Flipper Podcast

The Career Flipper Podcast Trailer

Episode Summary

Coming July 2024: The Career Flipper Podcast Check out this trailer for a sneak peek at what's in store!

Episode Transcription

I worked in customer experience and support leadership roles with tech startups for 18 years. After getting laid off and 309 job rejections in a very tough market, I decided to flip my own career path with freelance customer support consulting for startups and small businesses as well as flipping furniture for clients or that I take out of the dumpster to fix up and give another chance at life. Sounds wacky, right? I came from a very job-security stability mindset yet after losing it all and wondering how I was going to pay my rent, spoil my dog with treats and still be able to go out for drinks with my girlfriends, I found the entrepreneurial spirit buried deep down. I’m still learning a lot every day and while the path isn’t always easy, I find solace in the stories of others who have navigated similar paths, creating their own career journeys. Because of that, I wanted to create an inspiring resource for others who might be in a similar boat to reference and feel comforted that you are not alone.

So, welcome to The Career Flipper Podcast! I'm your host, Jenny Dempsey. Consider me your guide on the side for the ride of unconventional career paths.

Each episode, we’ll dive into the stories of professionals who've flipped their careers and made unique career changes, whether by choice or circumstance. From navigating unexpected layoffs and starting your own business, to finally firing up that side hustle while still having a full time job to realizing that decades into your very mapped out career that you really want to do something completely different, we'll explore the twists and turns of their journey.

Our first episode will go live in July 2024. So, don't miss out! Subscribe to The Career Flipper Podcast on your favorite podcast platform. Visit us on Instagram @thecareerflipper or join the Career Flipper community on LinkedIn.

If you or someone you know has flipped your career, I’d love to have you share your story on the show. You never know who it will inspire! Email me at to share your story.

Thanks for tuning in. I’ll talk to you later!