The Career Flipper Podcast

From SEO expert to animal communicator, meet Nick Musica

Episode Summary

In the first episode, Jenny interviews Nick Musica, an SEO expert who also does animal psychic communication readings.

Episode Notes


Ever wondered what happens when SEO expertise meets animal psychic abilities? Get ready for an eye-opening journey as Nick Musica shares his transition from corporate SEO to animal communication on the debut episode of The Career Flipper podcast!

The Career Flipper podcast, hosted by Jenny Dempsey, explores the inspiring stories of individuals who've navigated unique and often unexpected career transformations. New episodes drop every Thursday—don't miss out!

In our very first episode, host Jenny Dempsey chats with Nick Musica about his journey from corporate SEO specialist to animal communicator. Nick opens up about the challenges he faced and the pivotal moments that pushed him to pursue his passion for animal communication.

Key Talking Points

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Episode Transcription

Jenny Dempsey (00:00.078)

It's really a fork in the road. It's like, do you want to stay on this path? And then you realize, this path that I've been on got me to this point in the path and going left. Like I can stay on this path, but I'm starting to feel like it's not the right path anymore. Hello and welcome to the first episode of the Career Flipper podcast. I'm your host, Jenny Dempsey. You know, after getting laid off.

and struggling to find a new job that I enjoyed, I decided to try customer service consulting and flipping furniture. Okay, it wasn't as easy as it sounds right there, but I found through this roller coaster unique adventure, hearing stories from other everyday people who took control of their careers and were doing things differently really helped me.

So I started dreaming about things and I woke up one morning with this idea to start a podcast and share these stories that I was talking to other people about. And I wanted a place where I could go back and listen to them for motivation. And I figured others might enjoy them too. So here we are. Each week you'll hear from amazing everyday people who have taken unique and often unconventional career.

will chat about their experiences and tips and advice and maybe just maybe you'll find something that helps you on your own journey. So let's get into the first episode where you're going to meet Nick Musica, a successful SEO expert in Carlsbad, California who also does animal psychic readings on the side. Learn how he found his path, the challenges he's faced and

why he really embraces his unique career. Let's get started. Nick, hello. Howdy Jenny. Hi, welcome to the career flipper podcast. Super happy to be here. Super happy to have you. my gosh, I was thinking about this. You know, we have known each other for almost a decade, which is kind of crazy to think. Yeah. We worked together. Working, you know, when we started working together, it was 2015.

Jenny Dempsey (02:26.574)

It's been more than a minute. Wow, it's been a while. Damn. Yeah. And a lot has happened in that last, almost 10 years. And, you know, when I was kind of kicking this off, I thought there's no one better than you to start this podcast. I'm so happy to be here. I'm so glad you're doing this. Thank you. Thank you. my gosh. So let's just get into it.

Your career flip story, tell us about it. Yeah, all the things. Yeah, yeah. I mean, when we met, I was the SEO guy, right? I had a little publisher here in town. And I've been doing that since 2003 in one form or another. Web, digital, paid search, SEO. And SEO really started to be the focus around probably 2003. So when we met,

I was fully in it. I just came from the Bay Area and that's what I did. That's how I made my money. And even more so, that was my identity with self. This is what I do day in and day out. These are the books in my library. These are the things I pay attention to. And then, and I can't call it a career, a hundred percent career flip, but...

If it's possible to have your own agency and have a side hustle and work on that side hustle, and that's the flip, I don't even know that's the right language, but a certain thing did show up a little more than a year ago. And here's how it went. My wife and I went to a psychic fair here in Carlsbad. And we did a little loop around the conference floor, didn't really see anyone. Then we approached it from the opposite direction.

And as soon as we look up, I see this young lady and, and I think, I think she'd be good. So I looked at Julieta, my wife, and I said, Hey, Joel, what do you, what do you think? And Julieta said, that sounds great. Why don't, why don't you go first? And so I sat down with Adelita medium Adelita. I've never been to a medium before. Really wasn't in my, in my belief system or interest. but I thought let's, let's just go and give it a shot. And, she starts out by drawing this heart.

Jenny Dempsey (04:48.718)

And she says, it's either a former romantic relationship or it's an animal. And she circles the animal and, and she says, you did too much. That's the message that came through. And immediately my brain goes to Henry who lived to be 22 years old. He hasn't been on the planet in almost as many years. And the, the last two years of his life were spent going back and forth to the vet with, you know, doing all the things you can do to, to.

address the symptoms of old age for a cat who's 22. Hydration, he was walking around like Quasimodo with these big hydration packs on his back. The blood work, all the things were questioning everything. How do we make him comfortable? Which in hindsight was really like, how do you make the human me comfortable about this situation? Really, that's what it was. So the summary statement of you did too much was spot on and she didn't know anything about that. And as I'm

As I'm comprehending that, you know, like what's happening here, I'm sat down with this woman who's a medium and my cat came through when he's been off the plane over 20 years. she continued and she said, they're now showing me Dr. Doolittle. They're showing me that you can talk to animals and it's going to be easy for you. And I thought, shit, I've never heard anything more truthful in my life. I couldn't tell you why. And, and you know, the rest of the time was spent around topics like that. but,

What happened is I went home and I sat down with my living cat, Chuckie, and I did my meditation, which I've been doing for a handful of years at this point. And I thought, I'm going to tune into Chuckie and see what happens. And so almost immediately dropping into the meditation, I see this big white, bright light. And it's the type of thing you would read about that's associated with like spirit guides, angels, like high level beings. And I thought, you know,

There's absolutely no way that my cat who poops in a box and sometimes on the floor, right? Like he's not a high level being. This is not a thing. And so I call her up and I'm like, this is not working. It's not working. Nevermind easy. It's not working. And her response was, well, you're expecting things to show up in very specific ways. That's not how this work. You works, you have to be open, be the channel and the information you get is the information you get. Okay. All right. So I decide I'll give it a second shot.

Jenny Dempsey (07:14.318)

And, and I also buy a lot of animal communication books. You'd be surprised how many there are that are actually out there. You know, people who psychically talk to animals, they wrote books and I get a couple of sessions with people who do this for a living. And as I'm, as I'm stepping away from my dining room table to go to this computer for a zoom meeting with one of those animal communicators, I get this flash. I see this, this, this scene out of return to the Jedi.

which is, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a scene of the force ghosts of Obi -Wan and Yoda. And I'm like, shit, I'm being shown a student teacher relationship. And it's coming from Chucky. I know it's coming from Chucky. You could just feel that it's happening. And then I'm reflecting on that white light. I'm like, shit, that was him showing up for the first time and I dismissed it because it was not in my belief system. Same thing.

and I sit down with this animal communicator and the first thing out of her mouth, after we verify who I am and who, why I'm here, she goes, so Chucky, do you know who he is to you? And I go, yeah, yeah. He, she showed me right before I got here and we started talking about that. And that was pretty much the, the entirety of her session of who he is to me. And he took me on as a, as, as an assignment. And I know how crazy this sounds, but it's all, it's all like, it's.

It's played out multiple times over the past year plus, and this is my story. I'm sticking to it. So he has proven to be a wonderful little teacher. I get a lot of corrections from him, but I mean, this is about career flipping, right? And so for the first few months, things were showing up for me. And...

And so I ended up talking to Coyote's dolphin, you know, like things would show up for me in the beginning of the year. I thought, well, can I do this for other people? Can this be a thing? You know, like what's, what's available? So I went on to next door and I said, hi, my name is I'm an animal communicator. What that means is I psychically talk to animals and free 15 minutes sign up, sign up right here. And, I thought, what did I do? What did I say? Like, like, like who's going to even believe this type of thing?

Jenny Dempsey (09:36.91)

And I have a Google and at the same time, I'm excited about what could happen. And, I gave people access to a Google sheet so I can see when someone fills it out, right? When they hit submit, the information comes through, right? And, I'm just sitting there just sort of staring at this Google sheet and soon, you know, within a moment, it, it fills in the first row fills in and, you know, first, last name and name of pet and age of pet and, you know,

What type of animal is it? And I feel the woman come through. Like I can feel the energy of the woman coming through. And I thought, yeah, this, this is definitely going to work without a doubt. It's going to work. And, so I sat down, I tuned my processes. I tune into the animal, like on a Thursday or earlier on Friday, and then the day comes and I, I have the debrief with the human and I tell them what the animal said. So, so that happened like the first ish week of the new year, maybe the last week of December, something like that.

And just this year, this is brandy -ish new. So I'm going on about six months of doing this and I have office hours every week. I have two folks today that I'll be talking to and they're animals today. And yeah, that is the short story of my career flip. I wanted to do one clap because people, they know, they know. I gotta say.

Thank you for sharing all of that. I want to call out one thing that stands out. I mean, obviously this entire journey is very special, very unique and very important. I think you called out one thing and you said, I know this sounds crazy. And a lot of the people that I have talked to for these types of flips, everyone says, gosh, this is crazy.

And I think that's kind of this pivotal moment where we have these things that we are suddenly finding out in ourselves. Maybe they were always there. Maybe it's brought to our attention as in your story where it's like, it was there, but someone had to point this out. Yeah. You know, and then we lean into it and it kind of becomes the delusion becomes part of the flip part of the adventure. And I think that's also what stops a lot of people. How many people like.

Jenny Dempsey (11:57.486)

I was at a business conference recently and so many people were coming up to me, not talking about business, but yet talking about furniture flipping. And they were like, I do this art or I do this. They're pulling me aside, whispering to me, like they were so ashamed. And they're like, this is crazy, but I love this. And I'd love to, you know, make this and sell it, but that's kind of crazy. And it's like, that's stopping you. And I get it, because I'm the same way. But I think I wanted to call that out because,

it's I think a lot of people listening and I think you and I both have talked so much about it. Like the part that feels the craziest is what we're called to and that can get in people's ways where that could stop in the tracks and you would have never explored this. It would have stopped me. I never would have gone on to do what I'm doing. And it's like, do you stay comfortable or do you start to get in this crazy zone? I think there's something important to call out there where,

It doesn't have to be like going outside of this comfort zone feels crazy and that's okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And you use the word delusional. I mean, it certainly can feel delusional compared to your, like what you've experienced so far, right? Cause for a lot of folks, including myself, like it feels like it comes out of nowhere. And this, and like, it wasn't supposed to happen. This certainly wasn't supposed to happen. A random.

And nothing is random. So I use the word cheeky in a cheeky way, random. There's no coincidences, right? So we were actually scheduled to go to Pickleball that day and it got canceled. And then we're like, is that psychic fair actually happening today? we should go there because that'll be fun, right? Like random type of thing. Like, let's go pick up groceries. Like, we have extra time type of thing. Like it was really just sort of fill in the blank of an hour here. And you walk out going, what the hell just happened? Like something wasn't expecting that, you know, and.

No denying the experience when you sit there and someone says, here's what's going to happen. Here's what you're going to do. And you're like, mm -hmm. Yeah, that's right. That's yeah. Like almost like I should be telling you that like that's how it landed for me. but it is, it's, it can be disruptive for some folks for sure, but it's, like here's, here's, it's, it's really a fork in the road. It's like, do you want to stay on this path? And then you realize, this path.

Jenny Dempsey (14:20.75)

that I've been on got me to this point in the path and going left, like I can stay on this path, but I'm starting to feel like it's not the right path anymore. Got me here is not going to get me to wherever I'm going now. And the road that I'm on while it served me is, it's just not the one to stay on, anymore or not be the one to stay on a hundred percent of the time or whatever it is. But there's, there starts to be a switch for people and you start to look in different directions and.

for folks who haven't made the switch. It's an inner afraid possibly to do it. And that's sort of some of the voices out there. Like, are you sure you wanna do this? No, I'm not. I'm not sure I wanna do this. But am I driven to do it? Am I compelled to do it? I am. Like I need to see what's further down the road. There's no choice behind that. I mean, there is, but it sort of feels like there isn't because you have to do it. You have to go.

explore it and what's going to happen is going to happen. Right. Right. Yeah. You never know until you, you try and those voices, whether it's in your own head or it's like naysayers around you or just society in general, like, you know, having a stable job and Nick, I gotta say, you're amazing at SEO. Like the work that you've done, like working together, like I know you are so good at SEO. And then, you know, for a

In society, someone sees, yeah, you're great at business. You got this. Your title is this. And then you mentioned work was your word. That's how you define yourself. Suddenly there's this curve ball thrown. I'm going to just call it unique. It's very unique. And I like the word special because it is, it's very special. And you had a choice at that moment. Like you were saying, you had a choice and you could have ignored it and said, no.

Society says that this is weird and I don't want to be weird. I'm going to stick with what I know. And that's fine too, but it's like you didn't because you had that calling and you had to explore it. I think a lot of people get stuck in that moment trying to like, you know, what's my thing? I got to find my thing. They're looking everywhere and it's like, wait, it's going to pop up in the least expected way. Yeah. I mean, here's, here's how it was for me. Like, you know, and I'm still doing SEO. So it's still run my own little agency here in town.

Jenny Dempsey (16:42.318)

And, but you know, the animal showed up and, and for a few months, it was really my experience. It was almost like validating experiences. Like, you know, like the coyote, like I was mentioning, coyote, dolphin, Chucky. and it just kept showing up and showing up and showing up. And I didn't really know what to do with it. and it wasn't ready to say, hi, my name is, and I psychically talk to animals. It's it's animal communication, right? Like.

A lot of people still don't know what SEO is, never mind animal communication. I didn't know what it was until a couple of years ago. I just stumbled on it like another one of those coincidences. There are no coincidences. It showed up early and then it started to develop from there. But you know, when it showed up and I wasn't, after I got the validation for myself and I wasn't acting on it maybe in a way that I should have been, like I started to feel like I was in a little bit of a funk, like not depressed.

and not funk, but someplace in between, like just not moving forward and not feeling the best about it. And I didn't know what to do about it. And then I started to make some decisions to focus on it and move it forward. And there was an instance where I signed up for a 12 month speaker program, speaker coaching program, and...

And literally the day before I was talking to a buddy and he's like, you know, I love the program. Like, I know you do. You've been doing it for a couple of years and, it sounds great, but like, it's just, it doesn't really do anything for me. Like I don't have a place to put it in my world right now. And within a matter of 24 hours, for whatever reason, it showed up and I thought, shit, like that is, that is how this is going to work. Like this, this is where I get to focus on this thing and learn how to.

get in front of people, which I didn't want to be. Like I was, I'm the SEO guy who doesn't want to be found. Like how silly is that? It's fucking silly. like I want, I want everyone else to be found. Like that's the, that's the root of my work, but I don't want to be found. Like it's fucking ridiculous. Like get out of your own way, dude. and so, so I signed up and I felt so good after doing that. And I still feel like that, that changed everything. And now, it's a little bit like,

Jenny Dempsey (18:49.678)

It's a little bit like marriage in some ways where you're like, I did it. And it's like, great. You just signed up for a lot of work now. Right. Like, right. Cause, cause getting to the altar wasn't, wasn't the work. I mean, it was, you had to figure some things out, but once you make that decision, like you are on a fundamentally different path and now you are, you're largely, you know, carving your own path. And that's, it could be terribly intimidating or it could be terribly exciting or a combination of both. And,

And you're, it is your path. It is 100 % your path. And you'll have people who show up along the way who helped me out, which is super crazy. And you and I were just out chatting this week. Like it's, it's funny once you get on the path, like the support that comes through. It's nutty, nutty how it just shows up in ways that you would have never expected. People would just volunteer to support you. It's awesome. Yeah. It's when you're on that path, some things just like the puzzle pieces, the ones you thought you've lost.

Or that, you know, we're gone forever. The socks, you know, that you're like, I had two socks in the washer and they were in the dryer and then suddenly that one so it's not, it just shows up at random places. You know, I'm curious, Nick, how, like, how does this new path that you're on change your relationship from yourself to your work? Like you mentioned, you know, your identity was, you know, this SEO, like, and that's who you were.

How has that shifted over the last six months to a year? Yeah, yeah. It's funny. This came up in conversation just earlier this week too. Like how do you balance these things? And right now it is a balance. I mean, and my brain works one way, very different than the other way. I mean, SEO is so, you know, software and computers and Excel spreadsheets and analyzing and all those things, copying. And so it's very,

rational, like it has to sort of make sense. And there's some philosophy in there, like there's how search engines should work, the results you should get. So there are some other than just checking boxes, it's not that simple. There's some higher level thinking and philosophizing you have to implement to get the results you're looking for. But it's very 3D if that's the right words to use.

Jenny Dempsey (21:17.038)

where the animal work like it's.

It's a lot of meditation. It's a lot of conversations about higher self and spirituality and consciousness and telepathy. The vocabulary is 100 % different. The process is 100 % different. These are completely separate things. I feel like for me anyway, I turned 50 last June and I'm like, I can be good at two things.

I can, I can merely be good at two things. That's fine. How the world perceives that, which was a little bit of my hangup in the beginning for sure. Like that's, that's not my problem anymore. And the self selection, which I've been dealing with forever. Like people don't believe I've talked to people in about SEO and they're like, that's not real. It's about buying a lot of links. Okay. Like clearly you've done the work clearly. so.

You know, it's sort of the same thing. And I've had people I've known for a long time going, I don't know if I should believe that. And I'm like, why? That's, this is fundamentally not about me. This is about your belief system. And I get it. And I sat down with a woman who was a medium and it wasn't my belief system. now it is. I mean, I, I had the experience, right? And now that wasn't my limitation or wasn't her limitation. It was my limitation. So, that's fine. And if you're.

If your perception of self isn't going to change over time, then that's, that's a different problem. Right. We're, we're, we shouldn't be the same people when we die that we, that we are when we live and everywhere in between, right? It's that would be boring. That'd be terribly, terribly boring. so it's, it's fun. It's a hoot. It's, it's really a lot of fun to, to do this work and talk with critters. The SEO for your own.

Jenny Dempsey (23:15.502)

your own self fulfillment. Like you found your calling through this and you can live in both worlds. I really, I love that you brought that up because there's so many people out there who have corporate jobs. I'll just air quotes corporate. And they're working so hard and there's this idea and I know even for myself in like the...

you know, in this in the job market and I was applying, like people are like, you're a flight risk because you do multiple things. Yeah. Really? So I only have to do I'm only allowed to do one thing. That seems so boring. And that's not how I built my career. But suddenly it's something that is getting in the way. And there's so many people who have these jobs that are thinking, Yeah, I'm going to just stick with this even though it

kills my soul every day or it doesn't kill their soul. It's just like, it's what they do. And they're just like, I can't do the other things. I can't make time. Cause I think a flip for me, and it's a very loose definition, but a flip is just doing it differently. You know, you have more than one thing that you're interested in. And I think what's crazy is in our society that sometimes that's, that's looked down on. And we can do these things differently, no matter how

Simple and extreme, it could be five minutes a week to paint something. It could be something so simple and just making time for these things that really fulfill our soul in a way. Yeah. Yeah. There's a little video out there by Rick Rubin or Rick Rubin singing is featured in it. So music producer in LA has worked with the Chili Peppers and folks like that. And he was talking about like your job versus passion and.

He's like, for some people, I could be getting it wrong. If you look it up online, don't you find it? But essentially is what he was saying was, your job may not be your passion and also maybe your passion cannot be your job possibly, but it's important to have a passion to do something with that. And maybe your job fills, gives you the basic needs and helps you pay your rent and all those things so that it affords you the chance to explore that passion.

Jenny Dempsey (25:30.606)

so, so maybe, right. I mean, maybe some of us are meant to do two things, one thing, I don't know. Like I'm just figuring out right now. We'll see, we'll see where it all goes. but I do think whatever, what, however it shakes out is you owe yourself the, the opportunity to go step into it. And, and, and if you don't, I don't care, I really don't care how it works out, you know, like for, for, for me or anyone else, it sort of doesn't matter. What matters is.

is that the intention and the action you put into it, not the outcome. I mean, at some point we want to return on our efforts for sure. And if we're on the right path, we're going to get it and it's going to support us in the right way. And if not, then we're going to figure something else out. But the intention and the action has to be there to go down that. And you deserve, you owe it to yourself to go do those things. Or else you're at some point you're going to go, shit, I should have done.

something I should have done that or maybe I should have done the other thing or, or maybe so, so fuck that. So just go try it, go do it. And when it doesn't work out, try it again. Do something else. We'll do that same thing better. Like, right. You're not going to being on attack. Holy shit. Like a lot of people are not going to hit the ball onto the park and the first attempt. I failed. Well, with that attitude, you will. Yeah. Like do it, get up there and do it again. Right. Yeah.

being unattached to that outcome and just trying. And such a good point that you brought up, it's going to all lead to something else. It might not be that one thing that you're doing, that you're trying, but you trying that is the next step. Because maybe like you said, you guys were going to go play pickleball that day and then you're like, no, we'll go here. And that decision was like, it just led from one thing to another. And it's that just taking that first step, you never know who you're going to meet and never know.

what you're going to experience, what someone's going to say and how that is going to change. Yeah. I think there's two ways you can approach things, right? And like our society is very like a hundred, right? Like whatever the thing we're even talking about is like a hundred thousand dollars. My home has to be a hundred thousand. I'm making up the numbers based on the context, but like, you know, like million dollar home, a hundred, $200 ,000 salary, or, you know, drive that car, you know, like a number, a,

Jenny Dempsey (27:52.43)

A arbitrary number tied to a thing because reasons, right? So that's, that's one way you can certainly go about it completely. 100 % outcomes based on the thing or, and this is my preference. You know, when I was pre SEO, I was living on the East coast in, in Jersey and I was taking classes at school of visual arts and getting into advertising a lot and studying it. Wanted to be a copywriter.

And that didn't work out. That's one of the things I tried didn't work out. However, one of the things that I took away from it were the people, the greats in advertising, one of whom is David Ogilvie. And one of his lines that's quoted a lot is if you reach for the stars, you're not going to come up with a handful of dirt. Right? So like have a big lofty goal, right? Like go after that thing. And it's not a hundred. Like it's just.

Fundamentally not 100. It's not an arbitrary number. It's a concept. It's a dream. It's a thing you you want to pursue and If you don't have an arbitrary number you're gonna be happy with the action that you took you're gonna be happy with the outcome the things that are built for you because you're gonna be able to build something on that a Hundred to Billy comes up empty. Even if you hit a hundred and there's an emptiness to it. It's not purposeful The other thing is a lot of purpose to it

You know, all the time, all the time. Like, I feel like there's just, even in nature, like there's just, there's, there's variation. Like there's things that come up in the environment that make it so that's not always possible. Totally. Yeah. Grow seasons. You know, there's, there's better and worse grow seasons, right? Versus, you know, back in the day of, you know, your annual review and what are your goals for this year? Well, why don't we double it? Well, why do you think we can double it? Like, where did that even come from?

because big lofty goal. We put that there because we need something to shoot for and then hit the goal. And then a year later, you're like, you didn't hit that goal. Well, we said it was a big lofty goal. It was about reaching for the goal. It was a stretch goal. You didn't hit that goal. You're like, wow, so these numbers, are they not arbitrary in a lot of corporate? But then I get penalized for it a year later because, man, what a game this shit is. Where when you reach for the stars,

Jenny Dempsey (30:15.086)

working for yourself, doing your own thing. Like you, you, you define success and failure, right? And it's, and it's, it's, and it's getting back up and doing the thing again, is really the definition of success. Nick, you know, this, this journey, this path that you're on, you're carving this out for yourself, you're exploring it, things are showing up and it's, it's really successful for you, for you in, on the inside, like as well as others that you're helping.

to connect with their animals in such a unique way. And I'm curious to hear what are you, because you've decided to take this, what are you most proud of? I don't know. I never thought about that. I'll give it my best shot. For me, it's, I mean, I really had no clue if it would work and I had no clue if I could, if I can read someone else's animal and give them information that was worth talking about. And then could I do it again?

And then how many times could I do it? And when it didn't work the way that I wanted it to, like what happened there and figuring it out. And you know, there was a time when I was figuring it out and I didn't know this was happening. It took two times, but when someone showed up without the intention of me chatting with their animal, and it was more curious about this whole psychic world intuition, like how does that work? That's not intention to connect with your animal. It's your own curiosity that's showing up. Right. And so that happened a couple of times.

And literally twice. And, it was the second time and I was like, man, that like hours, that wasn't a good time. Like that's not what I was imagining. And then, and then there's another animal reading right off the, the, the heels of that. And I'm going into it going, shit. Like this doesn't, this doesn't feel good. And also like wash that shit off. Like you're like, show up to do the job that you, you said you're going to show up and do. And that was an amazing, that, like, that was, that was one of my most memorable times with someone.

talking to them. And so to show up after getting kicked in the pants or being let down or whatever the language want to apply to it. And they're getting right back in there literally like five minutes later. That was a defining moment for me of like, how are you going to handle this disappointment? How are you going to handle this learning? And what are you going to do with it? What are you going to do? Cause you have,

Jenny Dempsey (32:38.126)

You have like four minutes to decide what you're going to do with that. You have four minutes to like, buck her up or, or, or hit the inject button and, and, and then you go live. Like it's, it's, it's in real person. Like you gotta, you gotta do it or don't do it. Shit, or get off the pot, like figure it out, dude, like right now. And that was a really, that was a cool moment for me in hindsight. And I mean, at the time it's like,

It's not great, but in hindsight, you're like, that's, and that is how you get ahead. And that is how you get shit done. That is how you make things work. Yeah.

Hell yeah. Nick, this is such a great conversation. I feel like we could talk for hours on this. But I want people to connect with you. How can people find you? Where can they find you? Yeah. Thanks Jenny. So you can go to N -I -C -K -M-U -S -I -C -A. And so there's two offerings on there. One is set up a time to communicate with your animal, for me to communicate with your animal and I'll,

I'll talk with your animal first and then I'll bring that information and we'll debrief around it. And why you would want to do that? Well, we got a bunch of support when we're here on the planet and the animals are teachers and they're all here to teach us something. So it typically starts out with like what the animal wants to teach you, what you want to show you. And then it turns into like a hundred percent, typically reading on yourself and with informed by the animal is typically how it all rolls out. The other thing for folks.

And I was in this bucket for a long time. People who want to develop their own intuition, right? They get tapped on the shoulder. They don't know what to do with it. Well, I teach folks what was helpful for me to move through it, to get to where I am. If you want to learn animal communication, we can certainly do it. I'm more of a fan of what's learning how to stabilize our own energy field. It's learned to figure out what intuition means. And then the thing that shows up for us is going to be the thing that is meant to show up.

Jenny Dempsey (34:44.237)

For me, it's animals, for other folks, it can be one of many, many things. So I think it's different for a lot of people. And so my encouragement is let's learn how to tap into the intuition and see what shows up. Nice, Nick. Thank you so much for coming on here today and for talking with us, sharing about your journey. I appreciate you. Back at you, Jenny. This is super cool.

Well, thank you so much for tuning in to this first episode of the Career Flipper Podcast. I really hope you enjoyed the show.

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I'd love to hear from you. You can send me an email to hello at thecareerflipper .com Thank you again for listening and tuning in. I can't wait to share more incredible journeys with you next week. See you later!